Join us

Are you an aspiring apprentice or graduate looking for a chance to make an impact in the chemical industry? Or perhaps you're a seasoned professional seeking new adventures and challenges?

At our company, we welcome all types of talent to join us on an exciting journey to shape the future of the industry. With our team, you'll have the opportunity to play a significant role in revolutionizing the way we think about and approach chemical innovation.

So don't wait any longer – take the first step on this inspirational journey with us.


To apply, simply send your complete application to:

  • We are seeking a synthetic, organic chemist to join our team in Basel and create new, cutting-edge solutions together.

    • With a PhD or Technical University degree under your belt, you are more than equipped to take on the challenges of working in a start-up company, where your self-motivation and team player mentality will help drive success.

    • You thrive on the chance to participate in daily bench work and develop new technical processes, drawing from your experience in R&D, process upscaling, and pilot plant production.

    • Your expertise in the field of high purity chemicals and ultra-clean products gives you a unique advantage, as you are able to use and apply analytical chemistry tools and equipment to their fullest potential.

    • With a keen interest in technical lab equipment and the introduction of automation topics, you have the skills needed to make a real impact.

    • Your experience in project management and leading teams makes you a sought-after candidate, especially since you are also fluent in German and English (with additional languages being a strong asset).

    • Above all, you are open to travel worldwide (up to 30%), ready to take on any challenge that comes your way.